Friday, February 15, 2013

The Sounds of the Jungle

One of the things that we noticed is the incredible sounds of the jungle. It is a noisy place.  At the same time it’s a very quiet and peaceful place.  It’s quiet and peaceful because there is no technology and no motorized equipment.  So you don’t hear any of the hum of modern civilization like the cooling fans on your electronic gear, air conditioners, the relentless dinging of your cell phone, or constant traffic on the street outside. From that sense, it is very, very quiet.  However, without any of those sounds, you quickly become very tuned in to the sounds of nature all around you.  Rain falling high in the canopy of the trees.  The roar of red howler monkeys far in the distance.  The endlessly diverse, crazy, silly and weird sounds of thousands of different insects and hundreds of different birds.  The wildlife, in particular the birds and the bugs, are more diverse than you can imagine and they all make different sounds.  Truly awesome.

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