Saturday, February 9, 2013

Exploring Quito

We are in Quito, Ecuador’s capital city and home to over 1.5 million people. Sitting among the hills at over 9300 ft above sea level, Quito is one of the highest capital cities in the world. This morning we set out on foot to explore our new surroundings. Our hotel is in the historic “old town” section of Quito, the largest and best preserved in South America, and the main reason that Quito was named a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1978. 

Many of the historic sites, government buildings, cathedrals and museums are all within easy walking distance.  We visited the Iglesia de San Francisco, the oldest religious complex in Quito and spent some time hanging out in San Francisco Square, an expansive cobblestone public space in front of the complex. We had lunch in the square where we had some fried plantains and Dad sampled the chef’s specialty, Goat Stew.  

We also visited the Museo de la Ciudad (City Museum), the La Compania, a magnificent Jesuit cathedral built in 1605, and we strolled down “La Ronda,” a narrow cobblestone street lined with shops run by local artisans.

We capped off the day with a birthday dinner for Dad at Pims, a restaurant on a hill high above city.

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