Monday, February 25, 2013

Isabella – Elizabeth Bay and Tagus Cove

On Thursday we spent the morning off the coast of Isabella Island touring Elizabeth Bay on the pangas.  A portion of the bay is covered by shallow water bordered by Mangrove Trees which provides great habitat for all sorts of birds and marine life.  We saw Blue Footed Boobies, Galapagos Penguins and Brown Pelicans.  We also saw sea turtles, sea lions, many fish, and we saw a group of golden rays cruising through the shallows.

In the afternoon, after a short mid-day navigation, we anchored in protected bay called Tagus Cove.  Tagus Cove was named for a United States war ship that used the cove for a hideout during World War II.  We hiked a trail that took us up to a divide where we could look across to the other side of the island, and we also got a good view of a beautiful lake.  The lake was found by Charles Darwin when he visited the islands. He thought he had found a source of fresh water, which are rare in the Galapagos, but he was disappointed to find that it is in fact a salt water lagoon with water three times saltier than sea water.

Brown Pelican
Blue Footed Booby
Cruising the mangroves
Galapagos Penguins
Golden Rays
Sea Turtles
Salt water lake with Tagus Cove in the background
Top of the divide on Isabella Island

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