Friday, February 15, 2013

La Selva, our jungle home

Our home in the jungle is the La Selva Amazon Ecolodge.  It’s made up of a main lodge and dining room and about a dozen separate cabanas separated by beautiful walkways lined with tropical plants and flowers.  Our cabana, constructed of bamboo walls and a thatched roof, is a “family suite” with two bedrooms, a bathroom, and a deck with hammock and an outdoor bathtub.  Yes, we have running water and a flush toilet.  Water comes from a well near the lodge. They say the water is OK to drink, but it has high iron content so it has a reddish color when you fill a basin with it.  We eat our meals in a large, open-air dining room with the rest of the guests.  There are about 25 guests here and they’re from all over the world.  We’ve already met people from Canada, New Zealand, Colombia, England, the Netherlands, and of course our local Ecuadorian hosts.

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