Friday, February 15, 2013

Piranha Fishing

For our Tuesday evening excursion, we took a tour of the lagoon by canoe.  From the water, you have a great vantage point to look into the trees along the water and observe all sorts of bird and animal life.  We saw red howler monkeys way up in the tree tops, and we witnessed a spectacular display of aerobatics put on by a family of squirrel monkeys numbering upwards of 100 animals.  They were traveling along the water’s edge leaping from branch to branch.  It was an amazing site.

The main event for the evening was fishing.  Using a hand line with a hook baited with raw meat, we tried to catch the dreaded piranha.  While we learned that piranha aren’t the aggressive man-eaters portrayed in the movies, they do have razor sharp teeth and must be handled with care.  We caught several piranha in our boat, including an exceptionally large one caught by our guide, and Dad caught a poisonous catfish that has poisonous spikes on its dorsal fin.  Cool.

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