Friday, February 15, 2013

A Walk in the Jungle

Each day at La Selva, the guests are split into 3 or 4 groups. The groups head out for several daily excursions with two guides to each group, a bilingual naturalist guide and a native guide.  Generally, there is an early morning outing for several hours starting at about 7:00 a.m.  This is the best time of day to see some of the jungle fauna before the heat of midday sets in.  Then we take a long lunch and siesta during the middle of the day and head out for a late afternoon excursion about 4:00 p.m.  Sometimes another short outing after dinner rounds out the daily activities.
On Tuesday, our morning outing was a three-hour walk along narrow paths through the rainforest.  Our guides helped us find and interpret all sorts of jungle flora and fauna.  We learned how native jungle inhabitants use some of the plants for medicinal purposes, and we sampled several types of exotic jungle fruit. We saw numerous spiders and insects, including an ant with a fiercely painful bite known as the “bullet” ant, and we saw a poison frog up close and personal.

The highlight of the morning had to be witnessing a family of squirrel monkeys eating and playing in the treetops.  We saw them jumping from branch to branch in the canopy directly over our heads and even saw a mother carrying a baby on her back.

Bullet Ant

Poison Frog

Squirrel Monkey

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