Saturday, February 16, 2013

Easy Day in Quito

Today we took it easy and had a relaxing day in Quito. While none of us miss the heat and humidity of the rainforest, we are all missing the peacefulness and the sounds of the jungle. 

This morning we went first to El Teleferiqo, a gondola that took us up the side of a nearby volcano, Volcan Pichincha, to an elevation of around 13,500 ft.  It was a clear day and we spent an hour enjoying the vast views of the city below us and the mountains and valleys all around.  When we returned to the bottom of the mountain, we enjoyed a few rides at Vulqano Park, a local amusement park.  After lunch, we spent a little time touring the National Museum where we learned more about the history of Ecuador.

Now we are resting and packing to get ready for an early start on Sunday morning as we head on our way to the Galapagos Islands.  


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