Monday, February 25, 2013

Santiago and Rabida

After an overnight cruise, we spent Friday off of Santiago Island and a very small island known as Rabida Island.  On Santiago we spent the morning walking through an area of unbelievably beautiful tidal pools. The area is covered by old lava flows. The volcanic rock has many large pockets and holes that fill with water as the tide goes out.  We saw a variety of more colorful marine iguanas. We also saw sea lions, Galapagos fur sea lions, blue footed boobies and a variety of other birds.

We spent the afternoon snorkeling off of Rabida Island.  Unfortunately we couldn’t capture this afternoon with pictures since it was spent under water, but it was spectacular, the best day of deep water snorkeling we experienced.  The water was warm and crystal clear.  We saw countless varieties of colorful tropical fish.  We had sea lions swimming and playing around us, and we caught a couple glimpses of white tip reef sharks swimming by. Awesome!

Before dinner we took a short hike on shore before another relaxing dinner on board the Flamingo I.

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