Friday, December 2, 2011

Elephants, a Zip Line and One Dead Snake

After driving and trekking around rural northern Thailand, we made it safely back to the city of Chiang Mai. Our three-day adventure started out with a visit to an elephant farm that raises and trains elephants in the traditional ways, including grazing them in the forest. We spent an hour riding the elephants along a forest path. Elephants are hungry beasts; so our guides loaded us each up with armfuls of bananas because our elephants would occasionally stop walking, reach their trunks back over their heads, and wait for us to feed them a couple of bananas before they would resume.

From the drop off point at the end of our ride, we had to cross a river to reach our car. We used a zip line that we're not sure had received its annual inspection for a while, but we made it across and were soon on our way.

On the road to the elephant farm we spotted a Thai Viper, a highly venomous snake. It was dead on the road. We weren't sure if that was a good or bad omen as we were about to head into the jungle, but it certainly didn't go unnoticed.

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